But, I have something new to blog about. Have you heard of an "Elf on a Shelf"?? You have?!? Why were you keeping this from me? I thought we were friends!
For those that don't know, "Elf on the Shelf" is, as the name implies, an elf that sits on a shelf and is the eyes and ears of the jolly fat man himself, Santa! I got our elf on Saturday and E found him Sunday afternoon, sitting atop the breakfront in the dining room. He also found the elf's book, aka, directions on what to do and not to do with the elf. First, you have to name him. E named his elf Teedle.
Teedle in the living room |
You can talk to Teedle. He will listen but he won't talk to you. Don't expect a two way conversation.
Don't touch Teedle.
Every night, Teedle will go back to the North Pole to give Santa an update of how good or bad you are.
Teedle arrives right after Thanksgiving and will stay until Christmas Eve.
Each morning, you will find him in a different spot in the house.
It's only been 24 hours and its been amazing. E started talking to Teedle immediately. He tells Teedle when he's been good. Last night, as he was brushing his teeth, he remembered that he did not say goodnight to Teedle so he ran back downstairs before Teedle headed back to Santa and said goodnight. He woke up this morning and ran downstairs to find Teedle moved. He was now on the mantle in the living room. E said goodbye before we left and asked Teedle to make sure Snoopy (our dog) stayed off the couch. Interestingly enough, Snoopy actually stayed off the couch, which NEVER happens!! hmmm...
When we came home from work/school, E ran up to Teedle and told him how good of a boy he was. Throughout the evening, Andy and I have been telling Teedle when E does something bad but also let him know when E's doing something good! Now, E is doing the same thing. He's actually tattling on us to Teedle. Hilarous.
So, I have a feeling this is going to be a lot of fun! I'll keep you posted on how its going! This doesn't get you off the hook though. I still can't believe you didn't tell me about this before!
PS...Andy asked E to ask Teedle for Santa to bring Snoopy a big bone. Love it.
OMG. Can they ship to Scotland? I want to get one for Brendan!!! xoxo